The morning of our planned departure to Italy, we made our way to the train station to be told that the night train that would take us to Milan was fully booked. Well shoot.
With a high language barrier, we asked the train station attendant what our options were. This is what we got.
Leave at either 12 or 4 for Nice, then take a train to Monaco, then a train to Ventimiglia (a town on the border of France and Italy). Then she said "Once there, ask if there is any way to get to Treviso, I don't have that information."
If we left at 12 we would get in around 5 and have a chance of catching another train that could get us closer to Treviso. Or with the 4pm, we'd get in around 9 and who knows what we'd find.
We chose the 12pm option, meaning I had to cancel on my alumni visit and giving us an hour to wander Avignon before we had to go. A bummer, but it's what one must expect with a Eurail pass and last minute planning.
So here we are on a train, unsure if we'll reach our destination but enthusiastic for the adventure at hand :)
best bet with eurail reservation is to make your departure reservation while you're at the station when you arrive in a city...